Besides Leonardo DiCaprios stunning performance and the graphic
portrayal of Sierre Leones conflict diamond trade truths . Blood
Diamond subtly touches the theme of child soldier, international power
play of the corporate and of course, the weapon supply. One Movie -
several facts being portrayed. Come to think of it, each one of them
are happening even as we start another Monday in our lives. As I sit in
front of my console waiting for a new week to begin, somewhere someone
is falling to sleep thinking of his next move to create their monopoly
in natural resources. . someone is thinking of escaping their
homeland, maybe in Afghanistan, Syria or even Iraq.
What is worse,
somewhere a innocense is being ripped out of its very core.
Somewhere during the movie, one dialogue brings out a very true point.
With the story out in the free world, will they come to save the
situation. There has been a lot of writing, activism, coverage on all
of these, and what has been the outcome. Generous cheques, seminars and
conferences, celebrities speaking about it openly while accepting their
awards and nations making an effort(like joining the Kimberly
Process). A brave attempt by Edward Zwick to capture all shades of war
financed by smuggled diamond and thus raising the demand and hence
fueling more war. and more blood diamonds.
And of course, no one is left behind in this quest, even children. If
they are not skimming the murky waters for a piece of shine that cuts
glass, they are learning how to build a future for themselves by
shooting bullets in the chest of their own kin. of course not all.
As movies are supposed to end, there is a hope restored. Wish that hope
is for real, and not long.
Maybe diamonds are a girls best friend. Blood diamonds .?