Bluff master is been around for long time but it hardly appealed to audiece becuase of wrong format and no excitment in the show on the top of that the anchor never uses more than known 40 lines on and off in all shows.
Recently it trying to deep to new lows by taking common people out of the show by bringing celebrities or some page 3 hot gals to get some trp.
the show lacks the excitment and drama needed in game show and truly it never taste ur bluff skills it more of tukka thing in that.
And keeping so much audicence with no invovement makes no sense.
In fact such large audience can used interactively to see skill of bluffing of people in show in good format.
Showing disrespect for the money at end of show is worst thing to show to common man who are struggling to get money honestly.
Its rubbish show to say the least.