I wish to express my regret at the unfortunate unfolding of events between Bodhih & me. .However, I would like to throw light upon the issue.
Anny the consultant /HR promised 3 things -(1) my package will atleast get tripled after this training. (2) I will get to work with Bodhih (3) I will be given exposure of real time projects by Bodhih. & 4th being the support & extra material from bodhih whenever I request.
I was not doing well financially . I went ecstatic & hoped that things would become better. BUt I was skeptical as 30, 000 was unaffordable for me . Anny Asked me to trust her. I did. I gave her my unquestioning trust.
2 months I paid installments. Training happened.3rd month I requested some material as was promised by Anny. For which I didnt recieve any reply. I called anny many times. There was no reply. No SMS. nothing. My trust in Bodhih started to wear away. I didnt see any promise made by Bodhih fullfilled & I didnt see any point to continue making the payments because it is a hard earned money & Bodhih didn/t deliver what Anny promised. Again, It is unfortunate that All her promises were verbally made.
I also mentioned all these things to Kevin the business development manager but I could not get any concrete results nor did he recognise my issue.
Kindly tell me Is it only about making money in consulting business these days? Why tall claims , when they are not even part of the certification? Today as the customer I have lost the faith in the company. Dear Reader fraternity , I am paying the full payment now. But it is my advice to all of you to think 10 times before undergoing any such workshops. It is not worth it. But still if you want to Kindly take all their promises in writing from them So that you dont have to go through all that I went through.
All the best,
Well wisher