I dont see how anyone could NOT love Bolt!!! Ive been on the site for 3 years and it has still managed to capture my attention and interest. The site has an easy-to-understand interface, clubs, boards, email, an IM program, chat... everything you need all in one place! The members are also nice as well. Ive met my greatest pen pals through Bolt. Another nice thing about Bolt is that the boards arent regulated as much as they are on some of the other teen-young adult websites. In other words, its okay if you say shit or damn- the post wont be deleted because of those words. Another great thing about Bolt is now they have whats called Bolt Plus (a pay service). Its like $25 a YEAR and you get to save bolt notes (messages sent between members-- like mini emails, but better), emoticons, AND you get a cool t-shirt. How could anyone NOT love Bolt??? It beats sites like kiwicrap by a landslide!