When we go through the history of world cricket how many people you find scoring
500 runs in first class innings?
how many players you find scoring 400 in test innings?
how many people you find breaking highest score in test cricket twice?
Some say statistics never lie , some say they not always reflect talent.
But when assess best player in history what we see only statistics.
Why bradmen is greatest ever because he has career average of 99.96 in test.
So its pragmatic to take stastics as yardstik in any sport.
When you compare world cricketers from differnent era, its difficult thing to do.
But all will agree that if u decide on top three of all time it has to be don, sachin and
No one will agree on who is the best among the equal.
But my choice will be in between sachin and lara.
Again don has played against only three countries and hardly 20 surfaces in world.
While lara and sachin played against ten countries on may be more than hundred
surfaces in there career.
All three have all strokes in there armory.
All can destroy any bowling attack in world on there day.
But lara is better than sachin in innings under pressure.
He has more match winning and match saving innings than sachin to his credit.
While sachin is more consistnet over so many years.
Of course in double and triple and quadra tons there is no comparison, as lara is
better hands down.
Both have style but lara is more elegent as he is left handed.
In difficult choice of best among equals.
I will probably choose lara.