Brittania good day is one of the best tastiest and richer quality of biscuits
sinc iam child I loved to eat it, now iam 33 years old
ever morning have a cup[ of coffe with a smily good day
most leading brand indias famous alsomost of them are addicted the taste that list iam also
even my son also addicted were ever we go long journey never forget good day bisciuts
they provide tasty qulity biscuits and helpus to lead a good and happiest day
stiil devolping many flavourslike nuts and cashew, butter and cheese .cashewi like nuts and cashew so much its my favourite
quality is really good, a1 biscuits rich in nuts cashews and butter it gives energy to childs and adults
they provide energy to us rich in proteins and carbohydratses and saturtaed fats
nutritional facts gives more weight to childrens
it melts in your mouth every bite
packaging is really really good, most of them are atrracted to her innovative packaging
every day have a good day with biscuits and have a smiley face
thank u for sharing about my favourite biscuits