Iam very fond of biscuits..as you already knew about it...my colleague bought 2 packets of britannia biscuits (Goodday - Cashew dated : 28-06-2005) we are in mood to celebrate his birhday very briefly and found greenish tinge on some biscuits we sorted, tested even tasted, at last found that it is not an edible product or suitable to eat...we also searched few more packets for the same..yet we didn`t find them...why!!? what happenned to our beloved brand!!?..we broke our heads..but couldnot find any solution ..we dared, consumed some of them following a tea party...but I was desparately in search for the reason behind it and photographed them...if you need please look the attachment herewith..
please donot get bored by this topic..if we don`t fight for it now..tomorrow there will be a big mistake which may cost our lives....may it be a fungus, stain, ink or some harmful substance/matter mixed to it...under poor supervision...
i also pray food protectors or supervisors and law to look in to this matter seriously...
bye for now,