# From few month before in my office there are BSNL Broadband connection. If I talking about this Internet Speed its very very worst. When I open some big website its always gone. In 4g period BSNL Broadband is not giving 3g type of speed. sometimes its suffering 1 to 3 minutes. In last of month its speed is defiantly lost.
# BSNL Broadband connections is in very bad condition. In current time when competition is going to high and high BSNL giving providing too bad connection to their customers. In a month 5-10 time its connection have gone. If you not complain about own connection problem they didt solve it. Special we suffered in rain.
# When I complained about my connection problem to BSNL Broadband office they did not reply in once when I complained 3 to 5 time for my one problem then they solve it. So BSNL Service and support are not available for costumers.