Okies for sakes of brevity I will just run you through the points to take care whilst choosing a digital camera.
1) maximum resolution(higher the resolution, better it is)
2) Color bits supported( higher the better should be minimum 16 bit colors, a 24 bit coloring will do just fine)
3) Finally must be careful whilst purchasing such equipment because they are considered delicate and fragile. A strong robust body is must.
I didnt actually know if you wanted to know about digital cameras or digi cams. Digital cameras are cheaper and easily available from a trusted source. I bought the dlink dig camera/webcam and im happy with it. It can take upto 120 images directly onto the camera( no film) and I load them all on the hard drive with a USB cable. No developing charges or anything!:)
Digi-cams are more expensive on the wallet and actually nor recommended unless you are a professional or something like that.
I hope these points are helpful .