When I passed out from 10th and I joined in a clg where techers explation is not at all good .I was felt very nervous , how to pass and qualify jee.Finally my friend suggested to use byjus app.i started using byjus.the way they teach lessons is really awesome and I can easily understand. By concept analysis we can easily understand the concept clearly. By daily quizes and task we can graps the content deeply . For jee student there are mocktest , by that we can understand the exam pattern.I have used this app 2 years and my percentile in jee 2020 is 94.657389 , on sept 6 I am going to attend jee mains .and I know very well that I write my exam very well and I will get more pencentile than previous.
So , I will suggest everyone to use this app. This will really usefull to you.