Hello everyone I am again here to tell you some of my thought(s) and review about byjus.com or byjus mobile appliaction.
few days back I received a call from some agent from byjus and I was not knowing that the call is from byjus they said that we have cunducted an exam in the school in which your ward( my small brother) is studyind. and he has scored very less marks then the other students so a councling session has been arranged to your home from byjus. And I agreed. 2-3 days later a person around 23-25 years old entered the house and started talking from my brother and there after he started to focusing on self learning because his main motivie was to promote their package that they were selling. So he was continuing and continung giving examples of different students who has learned from the byjus. Overall it was impressive. Till the todays date we havnt buyed the package which they were selling.
But if some child relly want to geather knowledge and really want to study then I dont think theres any other company which provide that much of facility to the students.
The way of teaching was totally different if someone give just 2 hour in a day he will compete his all course very easilly. Regular testing marks and everything. And the best part is that they provide a tablet along with the package and the whole package is offline.
you can study the whole package offline without using the internet. Inspite being offline the application is very easy to use and even the 4 5 class child can operate the package. Basically the application is offline so it doesnt require any internet so no time loading.
THere also a free applocation available on google play store and ios app store but they are not such rivh in facilities in the free application.
the cost of package was around 11000/= for 5th class and my brother is do naughty that he would play games in the tablet inspite of studying in that.
Byjus is very easy to use and self tutor but for those who are willing to study.
they provide also physical classes in their centres. so those who want to study in the centre can also apply for those.