I think you should read this if you are thinking about attending CSKM for day boarding, the primarily the problem arises usually in 8th to 9th grade as the problem with CSKM it attracts a lot of ill mannered children, who either have been rusticated from other schools, or have caused any problem in other school, or to their parents . So what ends up happening is that their parents end up putting them in CSKM as they only care about passing their children through 10th and 12th board exam. Now this results in these kids bullying other kids who are there for studies. The peers with whom I studies want to forget this period in their life as a dark chapter. One girl was bullied so badly that she and couple of other students switched to "C" section which was for boarder as "S" section was for day boarders and many more problems continued because some of the teachers were bad and unprofessional, this was the ground reality when I attended CSKM public school.I pretty sure there are more people out there with similar stories.