I am having account in Canara bank Bhubaneswar main branch since early 2011 and since then I havent faced any problem with the bank. Recently I broke my debit card while travelling to Shimla. I was carrying minimum cash as I had ATM so I would have withdrawn over there in Shimla but as my card broke I was helpless. I called my bank manager and explained to him my problem. He asked me to give 10 minutes and he will revert back. After 15-20 minutes sir called and gave me the details of the nearest branch in Shimla and also the details of how to apply for the card. I went to that branch and had a officer talk to my branch manager. He then explained the whole situation to the person at Shimla branch. They then took my ID Xerox and asked me to fill a form. Immediately I was issued a new debit card over there in Shimla. Yes, it took 24 hours to activate but nevertheless I was there for 8 days, 24 hours didnt hamper my journey. Thanks to Canara bank for such a fluent transaction and super support.