Hai guys today iam sharing about canrabank ihave an account with this bank
even friend to us they are support to customers need
my account iam maintained at 10 years family baking
some disadvantages little bit is there, opening account should be 1000 it too high
and we did not have minimum balance they closed the account .avoid this rules and regulations
canara bank provides internet banking mobile banking and different types of loan
in my city there are manynumber of atm canara bank
so manybank offers with saving account
were ever we gosee lot of canrabank atm available, this very easier to getting money
internet through this system is also dong good
they friendly move with service
canara bank manager is talking friendly with me giving useful suggestion.even iam join modis yojana scheme
in my area most of them are coming in rural people they kindly ask her and fill their form.
I like this bank because customer supports
but some times the machione is not properly worked that why we are delay with our entries in passbook
and I liked her way of wishing in mobile our birth date, first wishes come wit this bank our birthday memories