Theres hardly anyone who hasnt heard of Candy Crush these days. In fact, I was teased by one of my friends when she found out that I didnt know about this massively popular game. Like many similar games before it like the amazing Bejeweled, Candy Crush is a very colorful puzzler that is based on the solid gameplay mechanics of many other games. Admittedly it is a great way to pass the time for a while but then it starts to cost real world money. It is really very hard to believe how insistently the developers try to make you buy
inn-app purchases while playing this game. Oh, the first few levels are a blast to play and contain just the right amount of difficulty but once you get past those the levels become impossibly difficult and this is where the commercial model of this so called free-to-play game comes in as without buying power ups its impossible to complete the higher levels unless maybe if you spend weeks trying. Buying lives seems like a good option but eventually they will be used up and so you have to buy them again if you want to keep progressing. Buying an infinite number of lives is not an available purchase even for$10 as making the users spend their money over and over again is more profitable to the makers of this game. Also there were articles on many game related websites that the company behind this game, King studious has now copyrighted the termscandy, crush andsaga and are bullying any other game developers who use even one of the three words. Such unethical practices should not be condoned or encouraged and we as consumers must definitely not support a company that is so hungry for our money without giving us much value in return. Therefore I believe Candy Crush is a very poor choice to spend your free time with. There are far better games to spend your hard earned cash on.