When Cartoon Network started airing in India I was still a teenager so naturally I enjoyed watching cartoons that I had never heard of before. Dragon Ball z, Beyblade, Pokemon and many other fantastic shows. Needless to say this channel was an instant hit. There was hardly any kid that was not watching Cartoon Network everyday. However after about five or six years the quality of this channel fell dramatically. Cartoon Network started showing reruns and more reruns of the same old shows multiple times everyday. Whats worse is that the advertisement slots in between shows also started to get longer and longer. Cartoon Network soon became a channel that was a chore to watch and watching the same episode of the same old cartoon for months was truly a mind numbing experience. I understand that the channel owners were trying to increase revenue generation for themselves and their employees but they went about it the wrong way by annoying their target audience with unbearable repetition and ultimately lost the very audience that made them a success. Its hard to say if Cartoon Network will ever return to its former glory but at this time it is a channel that I cannot recommend. Alternatives include channels like Hungama and Jetix which do mix up their roster of shows and air new episodes with reasonable frequency. I would recommend both of those channels over Cartoon Network.