I am a registered user of Cashkaro. I had received cash back from them and their response against missing cashback complaints, was also quick earlier. But now they have totally stopped responding to missing cashback complaints.
I have made 2 complaints on 23-03-2014 and 06-04-2014, no response till date on both. I have left messages, 3(three) times for my 1st complaint but NO RESPONSE, NOT EVEN INTIMATION OF FORWARDING THE COMPLAINT TO MERCHANT. Even if they do it now, AFTER READING THIS REVIEW, it would be too late, as merchant may have closed their sales report.
Regarding the 2nd complaint, I left a message few days back that they may close the complaint as the order was cancelled from merchant end, THEY DIDNT EVEN RESPOND TO THIS ALSO.
So, its quite sure that they have stopped responding to complaints. May be they will stop their business too. Just a request, before you close down just pay my cashback. ;-)
Hoping, they will initiate some affirmative action.
Thanks and regards
Update on 15-04-2014
Received an email stating that the cashback would be added manually. Thanks for that. Updating my rating. Will close this issue after the cashback is added.
Update on 16-04-2014
Cashkaro manually added the cashback. Closing this complaint.
A new information for users.
Cashkaro is saying that they have implemented a new system, whereby any missing complaint after submission is auto forwarded to merchant, But unfortunately they are in testing phase for implementing the system of auto intimation to user after the complaint is submitted to merchant.