Saw it last night, great movie. Here are my thoughts: ...
Casino Royale is a good bond film. In fact as I write this and thinkabout the film it is more and more becoming a great bond film.....
If the audience is in for High Gadgets ..and those untouchable or rather should I say super hero where he never even gets hurt then they are in for a dissapointment.... heheh :)
This movie is about how the james bond character was evolved...the movie starts a with black and white scene ... The action in some scenes was outstanding. Espcailly within the first 40mins. The feeling I got from this movie was Bond was being approached at a more realistic and human way. There were no super gadgets just hard hitting blows.
Craig plays the character really cold. He is unstable and is driven by ego. As the movie progressed he became more and more wiser and here it is how bond evolves ... We see the egotistical, cold side, .this is an in century present film...where it shows bond is a person and not a agent with gadgets and stuff... he is wht is a normal humnan being..he gets hurt , hv emotions ..and lot of stuff ...comneon guys he also would love to lead a normal life....
He bleeds (a lot), gets painful cuts and bruses on his face and bodyand gets hurt real bad. (The torture scene, which is taken straightfrom the Ian Flemings novel )
Craig is fit fo the role of BonD and would like to see him more in the comng bond flicks and get beeter movie after movie...
The movie plot rather is quite complicated but the director had given his best to make it simpler to convey..but had some thing missing ...the villains are Dull and plot could hv been more ..hmmm not saying it was not good...the plot was about money and international terrorism funds..
it s worth and am eagerly waiting for to see the next one...and yes staring by none other our BOND..Craig ....
until then....
My name is ....Abbas .... Muffadal Abbas ishtyle ...