I bought this album because I listened to the songs when I saw the moovies and they impressed me a lot. The songs are very emotional like the moovie. I like the original sound and the lyrics of the songs. Furthermore, the music has a link with the https://lyrics. I loved also jisms album. Very good songs. The first time that I listend to the songs is when I went to metro cinema to see the mooviechaltechaltewith a french friend and an other indian friend. But I am sad because to understand the moovie and the lyrics of the songs I was obliged to ask all the meannings to my indians friend because I dont understand hindi. In fact I am french who stayed in bombay for 6 weeks during june and july 2003. I also saw a moovie with john abraham who is a very good actor like sharu khan. Indian film are the best of the world.