Chanel No. 5 has been around for ages. For a good history please visit someone I trust that has covered the history of this perfume and how it came about at
I am allergic to very loud smelling female and male perfumes. If it was a simple runny nose or sneezing it would be fine, but I have an asthma attack and my eyes swell shut. I am therefore very cautious about all perfumes. There are very few I can wear or even stand the smell of without being ill.
Chanel No. 5 is by far the best smelling perfume I have ever smelled in my life. The crisp clean fragrance makes you feel pretty. Sounds rather odd to have someone say that, but it is true. We associate smells with memories. The smell of Chanel reminds me of many wonderful things, Mrs. Vaney my third grade teacher a very proud and classy woman I had always admired. When she walked past me the smell did not overpower me, but it soothed me as did her words. It reminds me of my grandmother on a crisp Thanksgiving Day busy in the kitchen, the smell of cooking Turkey in the air, the fresh homemade cranberry sauce and Grannies hugs. I secretly used to hug her as tight as I could get a smell of her Chanel No.5 again it comforted me. The smell of my mother on a Sunday morning before church, the mixture of Chanel No. 5 and double mint gum, the warmth of her hand as she cupped my cheek making sure I had my bible, study lessons done and no wrinkles in my dress. A big hug so I could inhale the marvelous scent of such a classy lady.
All of these may not make you purchase Chanel No. 5, but I dare you to walk past the cosmetic counter and not take a gander at the smell. See what memories it brings back for you. I know my children save all year long to buy me a bottle for either my birthday or Christmas. They too have developed memories of Mom and her Chanel No.5. Even as teens they miss it when I do not have it on.
If love could be bottled I would tell you that LOVE is Chanel No. 5. Its crisp clean scent does not over power, you cannot spray too much of this perfume to become obnoxious to others.
The proper way to use any perfume is to spray it in the air and walk into the mist. That way it settles without staining your clothes and it is captured not only on your clothes but also in your hair and about.
I do not use it this way. Instead after I shower I spray it liberally on my person and allow it to dry then I dress. Some women will not be able to wear this perfume because not all body chemistries are the same. Your natural body oils and perspiration may mix and the smell not be delightful. I have not met many women that this has happened to, but there is always one.
Other less expensive but crisp clean fragrances are Wind Song and Galore, both wonderful scents but not quite like Chanel No. 5. Beware of the imitations Chanel No. 5, the smell is very different, and contains too many oils.