“Dragon’s tail gets bigger, better and best…”
Communist ruled countries do tend to get overboard with extensive rules and regulation but they give equal power to all the people. Though on some cases it does tends to become too much which results in their downfall. The biggest examples of downfall have been Russia. Though Russia has been a great super power and their communist regime was well known throughout the world.
History is written on walls of China …
China has been the only country were you have a unique amalgamation of Modern and ancient civilization. Till date we can find all the ancient records intact in the modern china. Chinese people believe that their past has very good impact on their future and they always preserve their ancient things with as much safety as their present being. Though Mongolian era has always been the part and parcel of this country. The day when the greatGenghis Khan ruled this part of the world and with his power spread his kingdom from Korea to Hungary. He was the most feared king and was known as “Emperor of Emperor”
The Great Wall of China was built by the first dynasty and has been built and rebuilt number of times. It is the greatest wonder and an engineering feat, which till date has never been reworked by anyone. It is the only man made structure which can bee seen from the space. Amazing!!!
Food for thought …
Chinese foods have been relished all around the world. Even in India, you can find Chinese corners all over the place. You talk about the Soups or the Noodles or the Fried Rice or the Manchurians (Was it Tempting!!!) you are definitely going to enjoy the Vinegar filled food. Vinegar is the essence in all the Chinese Recipes. Though, personally I don’t like Chinese foods because found it to Bland!
House above all…
In china still you will find the ancient architecture in the villages. Chinese villages are said to be very modern and have everything a Urban person in India has. You can see lot of royal palaces, Buddhist temples, residential places which looks have the old world design. The change can be seen, with the place whether you are in the Northern Tip of China were snow covers the houses or going down south with the Yellow river you can see the small houses in corner to the bay. The different recreation architecture can bee seen with Pavilions & Pagodas. But modern cities like Bejing or Shanghai you can see high rises too.
Medicine for the martial arts…
Chinese old medicinal culture of Acupuncture is well known like our very own Ayurvedic. Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine needles, (sometimes in conjunction with electrical stimulus), on the bodys surface, in order to influence physiological functioning of the body..
Chinese Martial Arts, KungFu, Taiji Quan and Qigong has been known world over. The traditional Chinese Lion dance is usually part of festivities and it is believed to bring happiness and luck, if well performed. Lion is a holy animal and it is seen as a spirit that has its own place in Chinese Mythology. Its really brings colour and vibrancies to the Chinese Culture.
Games people play …
As said earlier, China is well known in Martial arts, apart from that China has been ruling the Table tennis arena for a long time apart from that Chinese are known to be great swimmers.
Feng Shui…
Like in India we have the Vastu Shastra which determines the law and order of the nature which determines the location of your house, were certain items in your house to be kept. Feng Shui is an ancient art related to the law and order of the universe and the power of nature. Its a system based on the elements of astronomy, astrology, geology, physics, mathematics, philosophy, psychology and intuition. FS is becoming popular all over the world and people are really getting in line with the art and the concept of Feng Shui, including ME!!!. Through the knowledge of Feng Shui, people are believed to be able to make themselves more compatible with nature, their surroundings and their own everyday life, so that they can make an impact on their finances, health, and emotions.
Facts about Dragon
The dragon symbolizes the Chinese people and the people from Chinese origin considered themselves, with a certain amount of pride, descendants from the dragon. According to ancient texts the dragon was a creature with a pair of antlers like the one of a deer, a camel head, the eyes of a hare, and the neck of a serpent. Its belly looks like the one of a shen (a mythical water dragon that resembles a crocodile). Therefore the dragon is a product of imagination; a mystical creature that has been worshipped by the Chinese for centuries
On the talks of giving threat to India as an next IT Super power.
Now something interesting which have been in talks for last 6mths as China changing its gear and planning to make itself the next IT destinations for all the companies from USA. China has been a place for all the small-scale electronics heaven, where the quality of the product is really doubtful but the cost is dirt-cheap.
Recently it has been seen that lot of cheap goods have been coming from China and effecting the Indian small-scale industries. Now a day’s Chinese made locks has becoming popular in India because of better design and low cost.
Electronics so cheap…
Aiwa and Akai the brand which has been stopped all over the world and the brand name has been brought by Indian based Baron InfoTech head Kabir Mulchandani and who gets his spare parts from China for the Cost of 2, 000 to 4, 000Rs which in turn is sold in the Indian market for 10, 000Rs. So now you have guessed why Akai and Aiwa are so cheap as compared to other brands.
Outsource do we…
India has become the biggest market for outsourcing. Lot of International Gaints like Microsoft and GE have given their call centre services in India. So next time, you get a query answered then it is from India. Looking at this China has started their groundwork and made English Compulsory in their schools but it will take a Decade for China to come in par as far as English Speaking people are concerned.
Don’t get Soft on Software …
China is planning to set up around 100 institutes in lines of our IIT and they have made Computers compulsory in their schooling. They have given extensive Tax rebates to the IT companies planning to set up their shop. Computer Associates has already set up a big office in China, apart from that India’s software giants, Wipro and Infosys are planning the same. But I still feel Rome was not built in a day and its going to take some time for them to come par with India. By the time they reach India’s present level, I hope India is way a head and our Government will learn from China to give more freedom to our Industrialist and IT companies.
I have edited my review 7times because it wouldnt fit in the space provided..I hope I have done justice to the review.
Overall, everyone need to visit the Dragon country …