Dear webmasters,
If you only need a domain name translated to an IP address and redirected to your web site(and see the redirected URL in the browser) for$8/yr, go ahead and buy it from godaddy.
I also was attracted towards godaddy and once a customer looking at its low price and very nice looking professional web-site. I got transferred my domain name from namezero to godaddy looking for saving money. but instead I had to pay more if I needed to have the services which Namezero gave it to me for free.
I couldnt even think that these pieces of service can be taken away and sold separately.
Yes! at godaddy, you have to pay separately for email forwarding. 1$ just for 5 aliases. It even does not include a catch all email. Too bad.
Trouble doesnt end here.
If you wantURL frame redirection(not to see the redirected URL in browser), pay more.
If you want a catch-all email, subscribe to email service which starts at around$8
Also during the transfer period, the site was down for 4 days.(Usually it takes 24-48 Hrs to propagate your new IP address through entire internet)
I then decided to transfer it to another registrar immediately. But if you know, there is a minimum of 3 months period within which you cannot transfer your domain.
Im now using a registrar called as and much much satisfied than There may be other less known but quality registrars offering good services. Another I just read here in one of the reviews is
They have a very simple interface you can manage your entire services through simply one page. It is just below$10 / yr.
Really nice.
godaddy saga didnt stop here. After I discontinued there services, I just saw a charge on my credit card from them. I contacted their customer service and they told me that it was for the email forwarding service renewal and cannot be refunded.
So these guys are even automaticallyrenewing the services which they do not provide. This is the way they are running business.
I recently read that googles spider has problems with site hosted by godaddy and customers complaining about removing the entries from the search engines index.
A word of caution:
Not only in this case but whatever you want to buy, just type the thing in and look carefully for any bad words about the product.
Also see thatWho is writing that If it is from a competitor, it will be bad then you have to use your own judgement to validate it.
On the companies home page youll always see good things but the bad things you should know from everywhere else.