With over 20 years of programming experience, I can say with confidence that Arachnophilia by *Arachnoid *is one of the best code editors around. and get this. ITS FREE.
(I have to mention UltraEdit because its also one of the best editors Ive used; but its not free. Ultra edit has one thing that Arachnophilia doesnt. it allows you to list code by line numbers, which is extremely helpful when debugging.)
Arachnophilia edits a whole array of file types including, but not limited to:
HTML, CGI, Perl, txt, java, jscript, cfm, jsp, asp, xml, etc.
1) Its FREE
2) Global site changes via find/replace for all open files. You can simultaneously change all opened files with one search/replace. This is the extremely useful when making global site changes. You only have to do one find/replace instead of repeated edits for each file.
3) Clear delineation ofcontent andscript using different colors
4) Templates for the different file types. For instance, if you were to create an HTML file, Arachnophilia includes the generic tags for you - DOCTYPE, HTML, HEAD, BODY tags
5) Customization and editing. Comes with all the tools that allows easy insertion of predefined components such as: fonts, forms, frames, images, javascript, sound, structures, lists, styles, colors, ASCII codes, etc. so you dont have to type out those tags by hand.
6) Preview files in browser of your choice
7) Saves Unix lines endings for CGI, Perl, and .ht files
1) No debug features in 4.0 versions, but thats asking for too much from an editor.
2) Newest java-based version requires more computer resources and is a little slower.
3) No line numbers
Ive used the latest java-based versions and they dont add much more than the non-java-based versions 4.0(build 5310).
I prefer versions 4.0(build 5310)
Similar Editors:
UltraEdit(This is the best commercial editor; but its not free)
NetObjects Fusion(WYSIWYG includes code editor)
MS Notepad(Windows bundled editor)
Macromedia Dreamweaver(WYSIWYG includes code editor)
Adobe GoLive(WYSIWYG includes code editor)