I am aslo a medical student in cmc. According to me cmc is the best medical collage in india there are many reasions for it but u disscuss few.
1) 0% ragging seniors like a friends.
2) Good name and reputation if u r the student of cmc than u will get very good placement.
3) very friendly teachers and having good experience of teaching.
4) All types of courses are present 5 collages comes under cmc are following: - a) christian medical collage b) christian dental collage c) collage of physiotherapy d) collage of nurshing e) Institute of alied health science.
5) practicle classes in more than theory
6) Result of cmc is always comes top in india.
7) Large numbers of books are present in library so no need to waste the money on expensive books.
8) Ac classroom are their .
9) Hostel and canteen facility is also avalible in cmc.
So friends if u r searching best medical collages in india than cmc is best for u.
If u want come other information about cmc than plz mention in comments thanku.