We had a party on Milestrip Road just last night, March 14th. At the table next to ours, there was a 17th birthday party. Yup, thats right. 17. There were about 8 girls there. 6 of them were dressed in very revealing tank tops. Oh my word. These girls were gross. One girl had on a coral colored tank down to just the top of her nipples. On each breast she was sporting a hickey. She gave new meaning to white trash. Im not making this stuff up folks. She was disgusting.
I approached the manager, a young chap - sweating and very nervous type. He said he could not say anything to her or her chaperone as they had a right to wear whatever they wanted. He also stated he was aware of the situation. Ok, then. One girl can dress like Madonnas wh*re and the rest of us are to deal with it or leave? The good one over the good of MANY? The MANY in question incluing very young children... At the end of the evening for us, the pinnacle came when this very same girl was "flashing" her friends, yes full frontal nudity at Chuck E. Cheese, from up in the clear plastic bubble.
The other girls were taking her picture. unreal. I approached the manager again, who claimed yes, at this point, he would address the situation. While we were packing up to leave, and gather children, at no time did the manager come over to their table. I cant express how irate I am at this entire situation. There is no reason why the manager couldnt have gone over to the ONE chaperone and at least mentioned to her that there had been complaints about the girls appearance. Chuck E. Cheese, where a kid can be a kid, and get some sex ed. too.
BTW, it was $122.00 for Two adults, and 4 kids. yes, OVER $100 for 6 people to eat two pizzas (Burned) drinks, and one stale cake.