CID is the best show according to the all international hindi channel. My age is 19 and I have watch this show from then when I was at 9. I cant believe that according to this 10 years it was never happen that CID becomes boaring. Everyday we can see a different story and every story of this show gives a new entertainment. One of best side of this show is casting of artist. Specially Daya, Abhijeet , A.C.P. Pradyuman , Dr. Shalunkhe and Dr. Tarika, Fredric is a huge fantastic casting.
All artist are suitable and good performer in there own fields. CID is not only a detective show in this show we can feel the unity among the officers, we can see a love story among Abhijeet and Tarika . specially this show helps us to know that how to respect our elders and also it is informed us about the crime, about the kind of criminals. All that informations helps us to increase awarenes in our life. So CID is the only show which carries a good massege and entertainment to the society. I reccomend everyone to watch CID at sony.