Having used my Silver cashback card for 3 years, I have now been provided a Citi Gold card. So this review is not about the gold card. but my silver card that I used for 3 years.
I have faced no major problems with this card except one. It was my birthday, 22 Aug. and I made my mind to buy a CD player for my car. that I had been planning for so long. I went to Sonyworld and selected a set. They swiped my card for Rs. 8300 but due to some technical snag, the receipt didnt get generated. When they tried again, it started erroring. So instead, I went to the nearby Citi ATM to withdraw cash from my Suvidha account. By chance, it struck into my mind to check my credit card statement too. I checked that at ATM and found that 8300 was debited from my Card just few minutes back. Stunned, I went back to the dealer but he clearly denied any help. I had to go to and fro from ATM to dealer 2-3 times but to no help. At last the customer care person told me to get a written declaration from sonyworld that I had made no purchase on that specific card on that day. That they gave, and stamped it with date. Finally, to my relief, my Card was credited back the amount after 3 days. My whole bday was ruined. but that was not Citis fault. might be some telephone line problem, machine issue. I never could know.
ALSO, I want to warn credit card users to buy anything from online vendors that offer EMI options that you receive with your statement sometimes. NEVER GO with them. They are very inferior in quality and price is always same as market price. ALWAYS go to market, survey well and buy what you need.
However, what is good about this card is:
I have received my statements well in advance, and regularly.
There has never been any issues with statements.
I never had to pay Fine as I had linked my Suvidha A/cto this Card for minimum amount due.
Best of all, I never had to go to drop cheques, I always pay my credit card bill from my suvidha A/c.
I am still using this card and find it very helpful at times.
Basically all cards are same, with same "upto 55 days" credit period, same rate or interests etc. If you keep a check on the most important things common with all the cards, you will never face any issues.
Pay your dues in time, if not full, at least minimum amount due.
Never always rely on the statements. The couriers in India are not that efficient and honest
- Do keep a fair idea of your billing date and the due date. They mostly remain same or close to
that. Call up the bank if you do not receive the statement in time.
- Keep a check on your account if you have an online account for it. You will never have to suffer or
pay penalty.
- MOST important of all, never use Credit Card to withdraw Cash, unless it is very urgent.