They should change the name to Shity bank. Ive just been off the phone with the customer service agent .... a guy called Vinod. I called him because around ten minutes back I was hung up on by another agent for absolutely no reason at all!!!! I have a Suvidha savings account through my company with this bank. I was told I could use the Suvidha card at any atm.... That didnt matter much to me as there is an ATM in my Company facility itself.
The most bizzare thing you should know is that according to the agent I spoke to for almost 15 minutes to find out why I didnt receive my bank statement was your company must not be giving it to you sir, we have despatched it Now that is one of the most ridiculas statement you can ever here.
If you think thats wierd, hold on to your seat!! Citibank charges Rs. 100 for any transaction done. So for eg. my Mom deposits 2, 000 in Pune over the counter, Ill have only 1, 900 in my account!!!!
Wait... theres more..... If a cash deposit is made at 10am in Pune, in the main office, over the counter..... It reflects in my account after 8pm !!!!! According to the customer service... it should ideally reflect in my account within 24 to 48 hours!!!! For gods sake....they can courier something faster!!!!!!!!! To add to the icing.... their IVR SUCKS!!! big time!!!! AND..... their customer service number is not free!!!!!!!! their ATMS are seldom working... !!!!! the list could go on and on... Im a really frustrated customer of CITIBANK... wish I could change my bank........ ill surely approach my finance department for this... I know a lot of people in my organisation who wanna do the same!!!!
Ive been working in customer service for the last four years..... giving good customer service makes you really wanna get good customer service !!!!! I have an ABN AMRO account... when you compare citi to ABN..... Its like comparing an old wet stinky boot to a thanksgiving turkey!!!! There are many customers like me who actually cant do a thing about this.... well this is a start!!!