Review : Situated on the busy Church Street, it is the most frequented bar. Salubrious and calm place for a relaxed chat over a splash of drink. Favourite meeting place for friends for memorable moments of togetherness. Ideal location- sandwiched between the busy MG Road and the one-way Church Stree, it lures office goers and people visiting the shopping centres around this place. Comfortable - Easy approach from the MG Road as well as Church Street connected by crescent road; Hospitable environs - The exterior and internal decor of the bar is enticing; Excellent service - The inhouse service is very warm, prompt and courteous; Soothing atmosphere - You would love to spend more time relaxing in the calm environs of this bar; Affordable - it is not harsh on your pocket either; Greenery around makes it very friendly. The bar is a must visit spot in Bangalore. I feel bars such as The Coconut Grove Bar are necessary in places like Bangalore where people have no time at the end of their day to share some moments with nature and friends alike.
Pros : warm salubrious spot
Cons: possible addiction