In the few days I have spent at MS Ive come across all sorts of comments - good, bad, harsh, encouraging. Comments section is to agree/disagree with the reviewer but in a polite and decent manner.
There is no place for personal abuses in the comments. Thus, I was shocked at seeing such comments on a review written by MANOJ101 on MS TRUST CIRLCE by a member called NANNYBIKER. He has abused a fellow member MNC123 by names like monkey and what not! Thats simply disgusting to say the least.
This member has no ettiquets what so ever! Even in my reviews he left comments like Will you date me? I dont date girls, but girls date me! Wow Mr. nannybiker I must say you are a very feminine guy!
You called mnc123 a monkey I suggest u look at ur own pic first, I dont wanna be abusive like u so here Im telling u in simple language - u dont look good!
You say in ur profile that u wanna be a doctor! What kind of a doctor will u become? Who only cures good looking ppl! If a person not so goodlooking comes for treatment - will you let him die?
Comments not only express persons view but his personality as well. You should comment the same way, as if ull talk with the person in real life. Being on net doesnt give u the license to be abusive!
If u agree with the reviewer praise him, if you disagree, express ur views but in a decent n polite way. If thats too much for u, then better u dont comment, rather than degrading the human civilization.
Comments section should be left free from abusive stuff! Then only its real purpose can be achieved!