WOW! what an exciting & creepy movie! outstanding depictions of demons & hell. okay... so Keanu cant really act & the editing was a bit sloppy but the cinematography was to die for! Rachel Weiss did a great job as Angela... the twin of the girl sent to hell. Tilda Swinton makes a terrific archangel Gabriel with her androgynous looks.
the FX was really good. the way they depicted Los Angeles submerged in Hell was jaw dropping. but I think the best part was the opening scene where Keanu exorcises a demon from a young mexican girl. film was AMAZING!
i wasnt scared or anything... but I was in awe. this was enjoyable to watch & Keanu... despite his poker straight face seems to be perfectly casted as a Screw You ALL kinda guy. he even gives the finger to Lucifer! lolz!
well... theres nothing much to say but GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!