This is inform that chis executives behaved very rude i will not tolerate this kind of behavior and i dont want any kind of membership from chis company refund my membership
Its around one year till date chis people didnt resolve my query moreover chis executives such as Mr Abdul , Miss Muskan , Miss Akanksha Miss Kiran, Miss vanita , Mr. Sagar all of them behaved poorly prior now after so much discussion and mail Miss kirandeep approach and try to solve the matter but again she failed to solve lastly she forward my call to Miss Vanita also who committed to solve my query she supposed to be revert me but didn’t revert discussion with her on telephonically she behaved very bad didnt listen to me she argue with me very badly such a illiterate lady she is after so much of debate lastly she disconnected the call moreover she said i will book two rooms and you plan the tour dates but she didnt revert me and my weekend gone which i supposed to be planning for tour now my hands up
Why chis people hire this kind of person who doesnt have any manners that how to talk how tackle the things
I dont want any membership either any out ways because im tired now such foolish thing from your side
I just want my membership cancel and refund such a headache while dealing with chis people after month or two month you people change executives and again same drama going on
Before taking membership chis people are different and after that different.
Now Mr Sagar look into the matter again same thing happened he didn’t bother to solve my issue he said first delete the comments and complaints from social media how he harassed us.
Such a cheaters chis people.