I am the first batch student of DMI Engineering College( DMIEC). The worst college in kanyakumari District. Please dont join in this college. In the first batch, they collect extra fees for every year. And they always collecting fine or other dues . when the time before university exams they collects lot of dues. Sports are not supported by the DMI Engineering College. They are not creating the future for the students . They are only having the motive to get more money from the people who are admitted in this college. The faculties who they are working in the college is very poor. They are not having the independence to teach . The best teachers who worked in the DMI Engineering College they are went out of the college.DMI Engineering College administrators are not eligible and capable to run a college. they are treated students and staffs like a slaves. They Prepare the Fake Placement in the college year of 2013.But this Placement drama is not known in that time, the students who get the placement( Fake Placemant) in the year of 2013 are very happy, DMI Engineering College published and advertised that placement news in the allover kanyakumari district to create the good image. Two months later the students who get the placement are realized the original face of the college administration.