I bought a Diakin split 1.5 ton invertor ac 24 months back. In the 1st 7 months the PCB of the outdoor unit went bad and the ac stopped working. I was told that since I stay in Mumbai which is a coastal area corrosion happens and the PCB can go bad. Its a bit strange that an outdoor unit which is meant for outdoor should have corrosion problems. imagine you bought a car and they to, d you that the engine has cooroded because you stay in Mumbai. The company would shut down. In spite of the machine being in warranty I had to escalate the matter to get it repaired.
Now 12 months after replacing the PCB its gone bad again and the ac is not working. The effective cost for me to get this repaired is 5000 Rs.+ taxes+ labour charges. Its a bit counterproductive that a company would sell you an invertor ac so that you can save on recurring cost of electricity but you would end up spending far more in getting it repaired every year
To add to the problems is the after sales service of Diakin, which always pushes the blame to the person who sold the product or the customer. You have a better chance of getting garbage cleaned by munipality quickly than having Diakin repair your ac.
Also this isnt a cheap product. I paid Rs. 45000 to buy this. Would this be cheating? A company like Diakin is selling you an invertor ac which has an inherent fault of corrosion of the outdoor unit and making the promise of a good product and saving money
I have 2 other carrier ac which have never faced this problem.
I recommend all those you get duped into buying a Diakin ac to not do so. Please care for your money and dont go on the empty promises made by Diakin. I will also be posting this on other online forums to ensure at least some prospective ac buyers are warned ahead of time of Diakin
Amit Dhanuka