Director: David Leitch
Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Zazie Beetz, Julian Dennison, Stefan Kapicic and more.
Deadpool 2 follows deadpool’s mission to protect a mutant boy Russell a.k.a Firefist(Julian Dennison) from the time travelling mercenary Cable(Josh Brolin).
This movie does everything the original did but takes it up a notch. There’s more comedy, more action and more characters than before. Ryan Reynolds is once again excellent as the merc with a mouth. Deadpool is not just about quips and meta jokes all the time but there are even some emotional moments that I really liked.
I loved Cable in this film and Josh Brolin was a great choice for the role. Also just weeks ago Brolin amazed us with his performance as Thanos which is made fun of as we saw in the trailers. One big thing about Deadpool 2 was The X-Force. The trailers almost exclusively promoted the X-Force although after watching the movie I’m in a bit of a pickle. Without spoiling anything I think the direction that they took the X-Force was outrageous and hilarious but also a bit disappointing.
Apart from Deadpool and Cable, other notable characters were Domino(Zazie Beetz), Firefist, Dopinder and this one character I can’t spoil. Also Colossus gets a lot to do and his interactions with deadpool are some of the highlights of the film. I quite like Colossus but the previous X-Men films always kept him in the background which made me very happy when I saw the original deadpool and he is just as fantastic in Deadpool 2.
That leaves us with the rest of the cast including characters like negasonic teenage warhead(Brianna Hilderbrand), Blind Al(Leslie Uggams), Weasel etc. were entertaining but don’t really get much to do.
Veteran stuntman David Leitch who directed this films has previously worked on John Wick and Atomic Blonde, both films with some exceptional fight sequences. So it was obvious that Deadpool was gonna have great fight scenes and it does deliver but doesn’t surpass Leitch’s previous work. The music is pretty good and it really works well with the tone of the movie.
Lastly my one problem with the movie which doesn’t really bother me that much but still worth mentioning is this one decision that cable makes at the end that I’m not going to spoil but those who have seen the film will probably know what I’m referring to.
Deadpool 2 although at times may feel more of the same and has a few other minor problems is an extremely entertaining and hilarious film filled with cameos, easter eggs, references and a lot of graphic violence. I had a blast watching Deadpool 2 and I do like it better than the first one.