I am a metalhead, and not a great fan of Metallica as that is one grand band to differentiate between Heavy Metal and Thrash Metal. Im fan of nu-metal, which includes Thrash Metal. Metallica, following their trend of giving only the best to audience, won Grammy and Kerrang! both of the top prestigious awards for this single album.
This album contains all legendary songs, withUnforgiven III(which has references back in album ReLoad containing Unforgiven II) and my most favorite song from this album. This one contains acoustic grand Piano intro with guitar slowly strumming in and then Metallica delivering what it always does so awesome. The vocals are not so metalcore, but all in all the epic instrumentation followd from St. Anger makes this Album a MUST BUY.
Metallica were always theMasters of metal, and so they will be in upcoming years.