Dell Inspiron 5559 laptop is so reliable and efficient because Dell is the best company as compared to other companies. As you know if you have issued some fault in Dell Inspiron 5559 laptop then you will be easily finded because there parts in every where you will be purchasing. And Dell Inspiron 5559 laptop there power supply mean there charging battery is so efficient they will give you more time of work without electricity. Also there shap mean they are looking very good and stylish. And Dell Inspiron 5559 laptop there display are also perfect if you peoples watch some movies you will more enjoyed that movie in Dell Inspiron 5559 laptop because there display is so perfect. And I also using Dell Inspiron 5559 laptop. There are 4GB RAM, 500 GB Hard disk and 2GB ATI but in markets you will be also improving there RAN and Hard disk.