The Dell XPS 15 L502X is the latest laptop I have been using.This laptop was very easy to use.It use by children as well as young people.As we know that Dell is the best brand in laptops.They reached the first place in selling the laptops.It is very easy to lift it weights only 2.7 kgs
It has good quality of screen and battery backup.The battery lasts upto 5hrs.Its display size is 15.6 inches ie 39.62 cms.Its display type is LED.
It has i7 processor and it is the best processor at this price.Its spped is 2Ghz.
Graphics memory is 2GB and Graphics processor is NVIDIA Ge Force GT 540M.
This laptop cost is 45, 188/ only. It has great features at this price.
Its performance is high.
It has 1year Dell service centre is very good.If you got any problem you can go to nearest Dell service centre.They treat you very polite manner.