Around eight months ago I decided to explore the “paid to serf” programs and give as many a try as I could. And what I found was about the same for each and every one. (All except for click dough but now they arent paying either.)
They usually required you to download their software onto your computer and tolerate their bar while you were browsing the web.
Seldom if every, would you be able to safely predict how much you were supposed to earn from your time because even though they claim you get 70 percent of their revenue from advertisers, this is not so unless you have a list of people signed up under you.
Couple the low pay with an unreliable counter and add to that the fact that you have to have a certain amount before you will get a check and it equals spending a lot of time, looking at this bar and hoping that you will make enough to earn a check before you die of old age.