I am working in pizza hut as a Assistant restaurant manager in New delhi. Let me tell you guys that one of the biggest and very well known company RJ corp has the franchisee of this american restaurant chain under his subsidery company name Devyani International limited, whixh is in short from called DIL.
As company RJ corp is very good with approx worth of 19000 crores. But his subsidery company Devyani international ltd has very poor management despite being presented as employee centric organisation. Salary and other perks are very less in compare to industry standard and work load. We receive approximately 30% less salary then other brands in same position. With very high workload.
As I have describe about the pay scale and perks the same situation is their with the job security spexially for the managers. Their always run their stores with less team members to save money and pressurise managers to deliver the world class services.
While hiring and during training compa y shows lods of dream about the quick growth and fasinating career path. Which is absolutely a myth, once you joined and out of the training. We got know the real trugh of the while process.
Among the managment thework enviorment is very bad, on store level its upto the internal managment to maintain it but on above store level its just pathetic. The majority of area mangagers use abusive language while communicating with subordinates. Completelt unacceprable.
Run by Virag joshi as CEO. He only run after the numbers but not willing to correct the real problems of the pizza hut brand in delhiNCR as DOMINOS has dine that in past