Dhinchak Pooja a very familiar name for all of us. This girl is very smart , she knew that her songs are gonna roast , irritate and annoy people still she started posting such videos . Some of her songs are selfie maine leli aaj, dilon ka shooter , bapu dede , daaru daaru .She knew that people are not gonna like it , but that didnt mayyer for her . The thing that matters for her is getting millons of likes , shares and getting famous though not in a good way. People stared listening to her songs , making fun of her , making memes in social media as a result she really conned all of us and made a lots of money. Really salute this girl because I think making fun of oneself is really a commendable thing . I dont at all like her songs and never see them in youtube coz I know its going to profit her . But all her hardwork ( smartwork or better say idiotic work) got shattered as all her videos are removed from youtube ( huh! finally) .So guys I request you to not at all like , view , comment or share her videos coz she is making millions of it .Thank you for reading , plz rate my review.