Diet Coke(Diet Coca-Cola) is a sugar-free soft drink produced and distributed by The Coca-Cola Company. It was first introduced in the United States on August 9, 1982, as the first new brand since 1886 to use the Coca-Cola trademark. The product quickly overtook the soft drink Tab in sales.
Diet Coke is my second favorite diet soda, second to its older brother TaB. Fizzy, light, refreshing, and best of all, zero calories. It gets the Reynolds Seal of Approval.
According to Coke, "each eight-ounce serving of Diet Coke Plus provides a good source of Niacin(vitamin B3), vitamins B6 and B12, zinc and magnesium." 8-oz.
As far as sweeteners, in a first for Diet Coke, this time the fake sugar of choice is a mix of aspartame and acesulfame potassium(also known as Ace-K). To my knowledge, this is the first time that this blend has been used in Diet Coke-branded drink. Most Diet Coke mixes solely use aspartame, with the exception of Diet Coke Sweetened with Splenda, which is obviously sweetened with, duh, Splenda (actually, that drink uses both sucralose
The packaging of this product is rather interesting. It continues the Diet Coke theme of colored "bands" on the label to designate the type of Diet Coke. In this case, its a baby blue/teal hue, much lighter than the blue found on Diet Coke Sweetened with Splenda. The label design also features a metallic element as the background. Probably the oddest artwork decision was the font and style used for the word "Plus". Feels quite retro 1970s, but in my opinion, rather out of place.
On the bottled water matter, I think it has been pretty well known for a while that Dasani is filtered tap water. I don’t think Coke has tried to hide that. Personally, Dasani is my favorite bottled water for the same reason Erratica mentions for drinking regular Coke - it just tastes better. I don’t care whether it’s filtered or spring.
As far as the drink itself, upon opening the bottle I purchased, it pretty much smelled like Coke. I would assume this is due to the aforementioned use of Ace-K as a sweetener. Theres the expected "diet aftertaste", but surprisingly, it wasnt as bad as I expected.(And as I fully disclose on all diet soft drink reviews, I hate diet soda!) The aftertaste was not very harsh. Overall, the drink was easier to handle than traditional Diet Coke.