I firmly believe that all these pageants have
absolutely nothing to do with beauty. As someone
else here has said, its all about money. Lets
face it, if beauty pageants werent a lucrative
business, there wouldnt be any. If ducks wearing
tu-tus brought in cash, wed have a million duck
pageants too!
Over the years, I have watched many of these pageants
with family and friends. We watched and critiqued
each contestant. It has been a very rare occasion
when any of us saidWOW, she is beautiful. Youd
hear more along the lines ofcute orwholesome.
The forced smiles and models walk do nothing to add
to theirbeauty. The talent competition is sometimes
laughable. While a few are truly talented, the rest
have to stretch the definition of talent to compete.
It would be far better if they re-named thetalent
portion to the **willingness to get on stage in public
and attempt to perform** competition.
To me, for the most part, these are surreal, propped
up, over made-up, semi-talented women seeking something.
Fame? Recognition? Monetary Rewards? Im sure each
lady has her own personal agenda for being a contestant
and they do deserve credit for persuing it.
However, just walking along the streets of New York and
Miami exposes me to many women that would be considered
much more beautiful than any Ive seen on the pageants.
Most are far more substantial. By that I mean, they are
professional people, educated, articulate and
real world women.
Whether they are working women or stay-at-home-moms,
I believe they contribute more to our world than
any of these contestants can ever hope to imagine.
Unfortunately, in most cases, these real ladies
do not get anywhere near the recognition they truly
deserve. It is a lot harder running a household,
raising children or persuing a business career than
it is to get on stage and have a truckload of people
help you tolook pretty.
The truly beautiful women of the world are not
featured in any pageants. They simply help to make
our world a better place to live in and that is worth
more than a million beauty pageant crowns.