This review is about the book Dont lose your mind, lose your weight by Rujuta Diwekar. This book was recommended by a rather plump friend of mine who had managed to shed 5 kgs in 2 months after having read this book. My immediate reaction to that was..."If he can...anyone can."
Before I start the review let me tell you that I am a complete foodie, totally averse to any sort of exercise or workout. Still how did I manage to shed 1 kg in 1 week after this book??? on....
Theres nothing I hate more that exercising but since this book recommends working out 3 days a week, I chose the simplest (supposedly) form...i.e. walking. I walk for 30-35 minutes every morning now and it helps.
What I like about this book is the simplicity with which it is written. It doesnt only tell you what to eat and what not to...but even explains why and its so convincing. In fact there is nothing the author tells you not to eat...what matters is when you eat it.
The book contains very practical experiences that the author has had with her clients...including Kareena Kapoor.
This bible helped my clear a lot of myths I had in mind regarding it is healthy to have fruits after dinner..or one should avoid cheese/paneer....or fruit juices are very good for us...or that one should go for a walk after dinner. Its only after reading this book that I found out that the truth is just the opposite.
I know that many of you will not believe me when I tell you that in the 7 days that I lost 1 KG in, I had eaten out 3 times....
The book costs just 199 bucks which is nothing compared to the results youd get after having read it. Ive been eating much more than I used to and within 10 days not only have I lost weight, people have been telling me that my face is glowing.
The mantra of the book is..."To lost weight, you have to eat."
I can go on and on about Id just say...go for it and see the results for yourself....and do let me know if it worked for you as well...I am sure it will.