I cannot say it loud enough, this product is wonderful. To get soap and a lotion in one bottle.
Let me say first I seem to have skin that dries out very easly and I for years have been looking for a product that can moisturize my skin even with my extreme hot water shower abuse sessions. I first got Dove Nutrium as a sample in the mail from a freebie site on the net, and WOW after just one sample use I was hooked.
You get this delightful pink/white bottle one side is a very rich creamy lotion and the other side is a smooth silky lotion. When you squeeze the liquid from the bottle onto a body sponge a fairly equal amount of lotion and soap come out onto it it has a very good lather and Oooooooh the fragrance is very clean and some what enveloping of the senses. It rinses clean and leaves your skin with the softest touch of something. I still to this day have not figured out what exactly that something is however it is like having a complete lotion massage. That is the only way I can describe the effect this product has on your skin. Now the fragrance is geared more toward a woman than a man. It is a very femine scent. It does not leave you oily it leaves you soft...
And ladies it is even ok for those sensitive areas too. :)