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The downloads are for Mac and PC users alike.
Here is just a sampling of the 100s of downloads you can get for free!
Poco Mail With this you can manage multiple e-mail accounts, blocking spam, tracking messages and filtering out virus
WinZip Download this widely used unzipping program.
Living Waterfalls Download relaxing sonds of calming waterfall sounds.
MP3 to WAV Convert your MP3 files into WAV files.
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There are so many more.
There are also games to download, arcade, cards, casino, etc.
You can also find personal finance downloads, screensavers, wallpaper, E-books, HTML editors, software updates and so on.
There is so much to be offered on this site and not enough hours in the day to try them all out. But, its well worth looking into. I recommend this site to anyone looking for a little extra!