My hubby is having 2 stones in his right kidney . We decided to consult Batra homeopathy . We visited their Thakur complex clinic on 30-11-08 .there we were told that we can either opt for their yearly membership for RS 5000or can have it for Rs 500 on monthly basis. So we chose for monthly basis and paid them 500+200 (consultation & medicine+ registration). we were being toldto take the medicine for next month before the elapse of month . So we took an appointment on 27th dec . But to our utmost surprise they told us that they have increased their consultation &medicine fees to Rs 900. We were shocked . This is a nothing but compelling patients for yearly memberships .
I am in a state of shock and dont know what to do. After taking medicine for one month with so sincerity its very difficultfor me drop the idea of continuing it. Please help me what to do about it. Theydont gave us any written prescription of medicine which they gave. They evendont have even any written consultation leaflet for yearly and monthly memberships for different diseases. Theycharge the patient after examining their paying capacity.
After leaving this medicine I am afraid that stone may cause pain or we have to start consulting another doctor from scratch that means one month medicine in vein and will cause physical damage to kidney also. Economically we paid them 700 Rs for one month medicine which we could have taken from some outside homeopathy for just Rs 100.We arefeeling very cheated by Batra Homeopathy.