I had no satisfactory improvement in condition of my hair .i totally find it as commercial / business clinic. My consultation was done by some ordinary peon like lady who didnt know what she was talking about.she was narrating all text book stuff.atleast a doctor should have been there.
Later they presribed me some white tablets which I assume is a medicine known to kill DHT in your body. ITs like once you are on this medicine and if you stop taking these tablets, hair loss can reoccur.and they gave me bottles of oil which was to be mixed with Olive oil.the feeling of applying this oil on scalp was lot lot similar to applying Minoxidil. I am wondering if I paid for minoxdil at a very high price.i might be wrong too. Although they recommend to follow this routine for a year to see the results.i didnt see anything+ve happening even after 7-8 months.
Its very obvious ppl who see the daily adverstiments in newspapers will fall for this clinic but if you pay for a yearly treatment, they will advise you to continue with the treatment for next year and so on.so you will end up paying thousands without seeing any radical improvements.