Dr. Batra.
It irritates me when I hear this name. Self-proclaimed as the best Homeopath, I would really like to review how many cases of Eczema has this Clinic really cleared. I remember taking my 3 year old to Dr. Batras clinic.
Reading so many claims in the news paper and other medias of curing eczema, by this clinic, how could I not take my son to them. He was in such a bad pain. His feet would get swelling and skin would peel out letting blood ooze out of his body. I felt very bad and thought, Dr. Batras are gods gift sent to me.
When I went to the clinic the first time, I remember, they had a very professional look to the place. They had many pictures with allerigc and post Batra treatment pictures hanging on the wall. There were many documents to read which claimed on various types of diseases to hair fall and how they cured them all.
There were many pictures of Dr. Batra having lunch or dinner with one of his cured patients.
Anyways, we were made to wait for 1/2 n hour before we met the doctor.
The receptionist herself would show you enough knowldge of the Medical field and would take your interview for 1/2 n hour.( You start believing that she is the doctor herself)
Then the doctor came about in her late 20s or early 30s and spoke to us for 5 mins. All she did was take picture of my sons feet n convince us that they would cure my kid in 6 months to 1 years time. She said the results of their treatment would be visible in 15 days.
They asked me to pay first consultation fees of 500 odd rupees.
Then the doctor meant business she told me if I took consultantion every time it would be 500Rs. once in a week else we could pay 14000 odd Rupees for annual treatment(which carried huge discount if we multiply 500)
We got conned and we paid annual subscription.
I told them that I intend to see senior doctor after I could not see any visible results after 2 months. The first appointment I got was after 1 n half months of wait.
By this time I had started loosing my patience as there was absolutely no effect.
So I asked the doctor, to book an appointment with Doctor Batra himself and what the clinic had to tell me was ridiculous.
They told us that Doctor Batra doesnt meet any of his patients. He is busy in the lab all the time.
I called them in reception and asked them if the photos of Dr. Batra on the wall were real and if they were, does Doctor Batra has time to only date his patients?
To this they could not provide me an answer.
I waited for as long as 9 months and could not see any changes to his condition and thus finally gave up.
Dr. Batra is a fake. I am not sure if he really has any degree. He plays with human emotions.