U know what. I had been reading a lot about Dr. Batras, in papers as well as newspapers, including MS.
Very commercial I must say. I remember my next door homoeopath who would give me sweet pills for nothing.
But since I was losing my hair a little too rapidly, I decided to give it a shot. anyways. since it is a free consultation thing nowadays. thought wont be a big deal
I was careful and had all the reviews by different MS members in my mind.
I was given an appointment. yet had to wait a little longer. its ok. drs are busy people. I remember. I wd wait for my family drs appt at least 2 hrs. all are the same!
Anyways. I was given the dreadedRegistration Form to be filled. I filled. and read the lines at the bottom. I remebered one of the MS members keeps quoting them in every comment.;) I was already giggling.
I was sent to the Drs cabin. decent looking lady must say. was observing her with a raised brow. MS was a learning must say.
She asked me my problem, I told her about it.
She saw my head. half of the scalp is almost empty.
She asked me few questions, entered in her comp and showed me a power point presentation. Impressive yeah!
She explained me what they callhair cycle
(I remember life cycle of various creatures we read in school!)
She told me. very straightforwardly. that I have little chances of growth of the hair I had lost, but will be able to maintain what I already have. I argued about all the advertisements that show complete recovery and raise our hopes and expectations. She very coolly explained me there is a difference betweenPatterned Baldness andAlopecia Areata. the former is irreversible and progressive, while the latter is not. So growth is possible in AA, not in MPB, thats what I have. I asked why. she saidbecause the hair root undergoes changes that cant be reversed, and gradually they become thinner and then vanish completely. at least thats what I understood. so wherever the scalp is plain completely, it is not possible to grow hair.
If there are no seeds, there cant be a plant!. Dr. explained a little more simply.
Fair enough!
But then if I cant get my hair back, why the hell should I pay you 7000 bucks.
.so the hair lives on, and when it falls off, gets replaced by another and you dont get balder.
But I still had MS in my mind. I asked what they can do for my grandmother who is very old and having knee problem. She told me that it is adegenerating disease, it cant be reversed either, but can be controlled.
So what can you cure! I asked her. Whatever is curable, simple!
So can you promise to cure my cold? She said, no one can promise, we will try our best.
I remember once I had taken my mom to a dr, he had said the same. They are all the same.
So. am yet to make up my mind to register, but I am getting balder too fast, so I will.
I will keep you guys posted on my experiences.
Happy MSng